Untitled (Abduction), 2023
Installation with 44 used children's shirts of different colors, hangers, and LED light bulbs, and one photograph Fotografie/Photograph: Sasha Makoviy
(en) The colorful luminous splendor of the installation from children's clothes is contrasted by the photograph opposite. It shows the back of a child with notes written on it. Ukrainian parents inscribe the backs of their children with contact details of relatives, in case they themselves die and their children get lost. (children survive).
Installation with 44 used children's shirts of different colors, hangers, and LED light bulbs, and one photograph Fotografie/Photograph: Sasha Makoviy
(en) The colorful luminous splendor of the installation from children's clothes is contrasted by the photograph opposite. It shows the back of a child with notes written on it. Ukrainian parents inscribe the backs of their children with contact details of relatives, in case they themselves die and their children get lost. (children survive).
(de) Die farbige leuchtende Pracht der Installation aus Kinderkleidungsstücken steht im Kontrast zu dem gegenüber- liegenden Foto. Es zeigt den Rücken eines Kindes, auf dem Notizen geschrieben wurden. Ukrainische Eltern beschriften die Rücken ihrer Kinder mit Kontaktdaten von Angehörigen, für den Fall, dass sie selbst sterben und ihre Kinder überle- ben.